Staying (and Getting) Out of the Spam Folder (Part 1 of 3)

Over the next 3 weeks, we're going to be discussing how to stay out of the spam folder (and get out if you've found your way there)
1. List Building 101
This should go without saying, but DO NOT use co-reg strategies... Do NOT scrape the Internet for email addresses... And don't rent or share lists.
It always surprises me that we STILL get calls from people telling us how they have a unique way to do it, or how their model is different, somehow. Or that they are B2B so CAN SPAM doesn't apply to them.
The bottom line is... any of these tactics are going to cause an increase in spam complaints, bounces and spam traps, ALL of which will damage your reputation. PERIOD...
NOTE: I'm not referring to affiliate marketing or paying for an email promotion where the list owner sends on your behalf.
2. Be Transparent at the Point of Opt-In
Whether you use single opt-in, confirmed opt-in, or a pre-checked box you've got to pay really look at the customer experience.
Make sure that you're delivering what you promise... For example, if you give someone a free report at the point of sign up, this does not mean they are giving you permission to send them a weekly newsletter or every affiliate offer that comes across your desk.
Make sure they know what they're getting and honor that. Be very clear up front and don't stray from it.
3. Make the Unsubscribe EASY!
So many people bury the unsubscribe 50 lines below the last line of content. The truth is... if someone wants to unsubscribe, they're going to find a way to do it. And if they can't, they're going to click the spam button in their email client.
Another thing to consider is giving your subscriber choices. For example, let them stay subscribed to membership news and newsletters, but opt-out of promotions. This way, they have more control over what type, and how much, email they receive.
Over the next week, audit your list building practices and specifically the opt-in process and unsubscribe process.
Next week, we're going to go over authentication and reputation.
For over a decade Heather Seitz used email marketing to build successful companies and had to solve the biggest barrier to consistent profitability: deliverability. Today, she is the Co-Founder and CEO of Email Delivered.
Here's the first part on staying (and getting) out of the spam folder Remember to sign up for the FREE Email Delivered Pulse newsletter for articles, tips, and recommended resources for email marketers.
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