A Strange Re-Engagement Campaign

Recently, I was the recipient of a re-engagement campaign from a big brand name website in the email marketing and deliverability space.
The subject line caught my attention: ♬ Should we stay or should we go? ♬
The email started off very direct with an acknowledgement that they know I'm busy and my email inbox is a crowded place. All pretty standard and not very exciting.
But this is where it got weird. It said "To continue receiving our emails, please click on the Stay Koala."
Huh? I was already confused!
Then, after the animated gif they'd used to show me what the preferences page would look like and what to do if I should choose to remain on the list, it said that if I did not want to receive the emails, click on the "Go Monkey" and unsubscribe.
At the bottom of the email, they had an icon of a koala and a monkey for me to choose!
Yep... Monkeys and Koalas! And NO... this wasn't Mail Chimp!
It was a very confusing concept. Someone in creative probably thought it would be a "different" way to approach the engagement experience. That it was, but it left me scratching my head a bit wondering what the heck monkeys and koalas had to do with email marketing at all.
The Lesson: Don't go overboard with "cute" or try "too hard"! You want to capture attention, but not CONFUSE people. As we all know, a confused mind says no (or in this case, nothing at all!)
For over a decade Heather Seitz used email marketing to build successful companies and had to solve the biggest barrier to consistent profitability: deliverability. Today she is the Co-Founder and CEO of Email Delivered.
To learn what this strange re-engagement campaign is all about, visit http://www.emaildelivered.com/strange-re-engagement-campaign/. Remember to sign up for the FREE Email Delivered Pulse newsletter for articles, tips, and recommended resources for email marketers.
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