Tag Archives | email marketing
Yahoo Scanned Emails for US Intelligence
A few weeks ago, Reuters published an article about how Yahoo was secretly scanning customer emails for U.S. intelligence.
This was done at the request of the NSA and FBI and it is unclear what information they intelligence officials were searching for.
While this is unlikely to affect our clients and Read more...
iPhone iOS 10
In a recent operating system upgrade, the iPhone has made it much easier for people to unsubscribe from your mailings.
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:
Here's the link for using it from iPhoneHacks.com:
What this means for marketers...
At first glance, it may appear that this
Content is Still King
Content is still king.
Content is still the single most important factor when it comes to get your mail delivered.
If your subscribers don't like your content, they'll unsubscribe or, worse, report your message as spam.
If the ISPs don't like you're content, the message will be sent to the junk folder Read more...
Affiliate Networks and Your Sender Reputation
When we are referring to affiliate networks, we’re talking about networks like Clickbank, JVZoo, etc.
The long and the short of these networks is that the ISPs GENERALLY don’t like them and if you’re doing a significant amount of mailing to offers within these networks, there’s a good chance that Read more...
Re-Engagement Campaigns
We have talked about the importance of re-engaging your list in the past. The reason for this is twofold:
1. Get rid of the dead weight (Yes, you are supposed to remove the people that aren't responsive ;-) )
2. Increase engagement (opens, clicks, etc. moving forward)
Sometimes, however, it's just a
From Address in Your Messages
This week's tip is just a reminder to pay attention to your "from" address in your campaigns. Here are a few simple pointers and reminders.
1. Do not send using a free email service address (like xxx@gmail.com, yyy@hotmail.com). This is a big no-no and with most ISPs implementing strict DMARC Read more...
Holiday Promotions
It's hard to believe that we’re almost in the “holiday” season already! Wasn’t it just New Years a few weeks ago?
Kids are going back to school…
Stores are lining their shelves with decorations for fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas! Plus, this year, we’ve got election day that you could Read more...
Gmail Questions…
Back in March, Gmail made some changes in their spam filtering algorithms (again!)… This was also around the same time that they began looking at whether or not incoming mail was encrypted (and added a little icon in their webmail client when the mail is properly encrypted). Read more...
4 Reasons Why Not to Use Attachments in Email
There are a number of reasons you want to stay away from using attachments in your emails.
1. The ISPs don’t like them! Typically, those sending out bulk email with attachments tend to be spammers. And since this is an easy one to control, then you might as well eliminate Read more...
Deliverability Reminders: Email List Cleaning
We wanted to just revisit some common questions that we get asked about frequently (and it's a good refresher for seasoned marketers).
So... for the next several weeks, we're going to address a different question each week to keep the snippets short, simple and actionable for you! If you have Read more...