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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Promotions

Many of our clients earn significant revenue from affiliate launches and affiliate promotions. With that, comes the potential for deliverability issues (short and long term).

If you're mailing a specific promotion and see an immediate drop in opens, then you may want to take a look at the promotion before sending out additional emails.

Here are a few things to watch out for with your affiliate marketing/launch promotions:

1. Domains

- - Even if you use a redirect, the destination URL is still important. If the domain has a bad reputation, your messages could wind up in the junk folder. You'll want to check the domain reputation and even consider sending to an intermediate (presell) page to eliminate this issue.

If the promotion is big enough (both in profit potential and number of affiliates the product owner has promoting), this could be well worth the added effort.

2. Content

- - We're all busy these days and that's why marketers provide affiliate swipe. But the single biggest mistake you can make when sending out launch emails is to use the swipe as is.

One, the people on your list are on other lists too... So getting identical emails that say "I was JUST talking to Bob this afternoon and XXX" it starts to look suspect real fast.

Two, Too many identical emails cause red flags for the ISPs. If dozens of people are sending identical emails, then they start to look and feel like spam.

3. Increased complaints

- - This goes hand in hand with #2. If people start clicking the spam button, then the ISPs flag the message as spam. Without knowing who is mailing, the relationship with their list, and the type of list, there's no way to know what kinds of complaints are coming in from the promotion.

If the message CONTENT is getting lots of complaints, it could send your emails right to the spam folder regardless of your reputation or your relationship with your list.

Things to keep an eye on include:

- Increase in bounces/blocks

- Increase in spam complaints complaints

- Messages in your spam folder

If you see an increase in any of these, there's a good chance that the domain, copy or huge amount of email that people are getting about the product are causing YOU problems with your email program.


For over a decade Heather Seitz used email marketing to build successful companies and had to solve the biggest barrier to consistent profitability: deliverability. Today she is the Co-Founder and CEO of Email Delivered.

For more information on proven ways to improve your affiliate marketing promotions and deliverabilty click here http://www.emaildelivered.com/affiliate-marketing. Remember to sign up for the FREE Email Delivered Pulse newsletter for articles, tips, and recommended resources for email marketers.

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How to Get Your Emails to the Inbox

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Here’s what you’ll get right now...

  • The How to Guide for getting your emails back to the inbox.
  • How to find (and improve) your email “reputation” (how the ISPs see you).
  • 5 Email KILLERS that your email service provider is purposely hiding from you.
October 21, 2015


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