Tag Archives | IP Address

Deliverability Reminders: Changing IP and Domain
We wanted to just revisit some common questions that we get asked about frequently (and it's a good refresher for seasoned marketers).
So... for the next several weeks, we're going to address a different question each week to keep the snippets short, simple and actionable for you! If you have Read more...

Volume of Mail vs IPs
Lately, we've had questions about IPs and volume and when to increase the number of IPs.
When we work with folks on the setup, we design the plan based on discussed volume, warm up requirements and long term growth expectations. In general, we recommend 1 IP for every 75K - Read more...

Lessons You Can Learn From a PROPER Warm Up
More and more, we see new clients wanting to do their own thing when it comes to warming up their domains and IPs. The problem with this is that it essentially sets you up for failure from the get-go. When this happens, it incurs extra fees, extra time, and Read more...

Why Changing Your IPs and Domain Is Not the Answer
In recent months, many of the ISPs have clamped down on their filtering.
As a result, more emails are going to the spam folders across the board. As such, we've had clients contact us requesting help with regard to inbox placement and getting out of the spam folder.
First things first,

Email Reputation: IP vs. Domain Reputation
Email reputation determines whether or not your email messages will make it to the inbox or wind up in the junk folder (or even blocked at the source).
There are two components that make up your email reputation. These include: IP reputation and domain reputation.
Both of these are important factors