Canada’s Anti Spam Law (CASL)

Canada's Anti Spam Law (CASL) went into effect on July 1st. (Incidentally, this is "Canada Day"!)
This law applies to anyone that is mailing to recipients in Canada, whether or not you are based in Canada.
A few of the key "must know" items include:
* You must contain identifying information in all of your messages.
* You must include an unsubscribe mechanism in every message that goes out.
* You must have expressed "consent" to contact the recipient (it's a good idea to capture the time, date, IP address, and reason for the opt-in should you need this information for verification or proof in the future).
* Penalties are steep! If you fail to comply with the CASL, you could be looking at some hefty fines. Individuals could be fined up to $1M and if you are corporation, you could be fined up to $10M. It also states that individuals will have the right to sue for $200 per incident starting in 2017.
NOTE: The law is phasing in over a 3 year period to make the transition a bit easier to seek "express consent" from recipients.
Here's a link to a well done PDF resource from Dale & Lessmann,LLP (Canadian Legal Counsel) that I would recommend downloading and reviewing prior to July 1 so you can get up to speed AND make sure that your email program is in compliance prior to July 1.
Author: Heather Seitz
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For over a decade Heather Seitz used email marketing to build successful companies and had to solve the biggest barrier to consistent profitability: deliverability. Today she is the Co-Founder and CEO of Email Delivered.
For more information on email content best practices and deliverability, click here Remember to sign up for the FREE Email Delivered Pulse newsletter for articles, tips, and recommended resources for email marketers.
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