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Google to Let Advertisers Upload & Target Email Lists
Good news to advertisers and email marketers!
Google just announced recently that they're going to allow advertisers to upload email lists to target customers and similar audiences with ads on search, Gmail and YouTube. This makes your list that much more valuable and more profitable!
One of the two new products

Lessons Learned from Political Email Marketing
The political season is upon us - and in full force...
We're still more than a year away from the election (and the candidates from either party have yet to be decided).
But... even being so far out, the email marketing is already inundating subscribers inboxes. There's a lot we, as Read more...

HTML vs Plain Text
We continue to get this question regularly regarding HTML vs. Plain Text. And just the other day, I came across a great article on exactly this topic.
Hubspot recently released findings from a study done a few months back. And what they found was that plain text emails increases opens Read more...