Welcome to Email Delivered Blog

First in.. First out…
Most email systems send to the oldest contacts first. In other words... first contact in is first contact out.
As a result, the first contacts that ever signed up for your list are the first contacts receiving your messages. This is problematic because the longer someone is on your list, Read more...

Welcome 2018!
We hope that you and your family had a happy and safe new year.
As we look to 2018, we have lots of big things on the horizon that we'll be sharing with you over the next few weeks and months.
We will be streamlining some of our systems and building Read more...

Happy New Year!
We hope you are enjoying the quieter week while most businesses are in "vacation mode"! In just a few short days, we'll be jumping full swing into 2018! I can't believe how fast 2017 went...
We want to wish you a very safe and HAPPY New Year! (And give you Read more...

Merry Christmas…
As this week winds down, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas (and a Happy Holiday season if you don't celebrate Christmas!).
With Christmas on Monday this year, we hope that you're able to take the week ahead and spend it with family and friends. It's Read more...

Deliverability Reminders: Subject Line Tips
Your subject lines are one of the primary factors that determine whether or not someone is going to open your email (along with the from name).
People often ask if there are certain words or phrases to avoid in subject lines and the short answer, as inbox providers have become Read more...

Deliverability Reminders: Email Content
Content can be a tricky thing when it comes to email.
A decade ago, you could get away with using tools that looked for keywords in your email and simply avoid using those words. Marketers would then try and "trick" these filters by replacing words like free with F.Re.E. Read more...

Happy Thanksgiving!
We wanted to take a moment to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for your business over the past year.
Remember to take a moment and reflect on what's important in your life and be thankful for all of the good things in your Read more...

Deliverability Reminders: Complaints
This is another topic we have covered before, but is always a good refresher!
Complaints are one of the biggest problems people have with their email programs and can cause some of the most damage, short and long term.
There are a couple of kinds of "complaints":

Deliverability Reminders: Spam Traps
There are 2 main types of spam traps:
1. Pristine
2. Recycled
Pristine Spam Traps are essentially email addresses ONLY visible in the source code, but hidden so that you or I would never actually see them. The only way to find those would be to use some sort of bot or Read more...