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Tag Archives | email marketing tips

Trends & Predictions for 2016

Email Marketing Trends & Predictions for 2016

As the year draws to a close, it's time for email marketing trends for 2016. Some of the predictions/trends we're starting to see as common themes include:

1. Generic email "Blasts" are going to continue to be less and less effective. Read more...

Awful Subject Lines

Awful Subject Lines

We see so many marketing tactics that teach people to go after "the open" no matter what it takes. The problem with that is that if you're just marketing to get the email opened instead of actually thinking through the entire campaign or promotion. I get it might be Read more...

Thanksgiving Email Subject Lines

Thanksgiving Email Subject Lines: Winners & Losers

I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is just a week away! Where did 2015 go?

As we get into full holiday swing, email boxes are starting to get more and more messages and people are in the 'buying' spirit.

Much of what's purchased now is in the form of gifts for Read more...

Best Day and Time to Send Email

Best Day and Best Time to Send Email

We often get asked, "when is the BEST time to send an email?"

The real answer is: it depends!

It depends on your list, your market, and how you've conditioned your audience... to a degree. But... (more…)

4 Reasons to Send Halloween Promotions

4 Reasons to Send Halloween Promotions!

With Halloween just around the corner, it's not too late to get out a holiday themed promotion to your list... and there are some good reasons to do so!

4 reasons to send Halloween promotions: (more…)

Affiliate Promotions

Affiliate Marketing

Many of our clients earn significant revenue from affiliate launches and affiliate promotions. With that, comes the potential for deliverability issues (short and long term).

If you're mailing a specific promotion and see an immediate drop in opens, then (more…)


Tis the Season…

The holiday season is almost upon us and it's time to start planning your promotions if you haven't already done so.

You'll want to think about how you can stand out from the competition among all the clutter, and (more…)


Email is Still King…

This past year, at SXSW, we spent a good bit of time in sessions on growth hacking and development. Since then, a number of our team members has been following a number of panelists and speakers. (more…)

Unknown Addresses

Unknown Addresses

We've talked about the impact of unknown addresses in the past. Unknown addresses can have a big impact on your deliverability, both short and long term.

High numbers of unknown addresses can occur when: (more…)

Lessons Learned from Political Email Marketing

Lessons Learned from Political Email Marketing

The political season is upon us - and in full force...

We're still more than a year away from the election (and the candidates from either party have yet to be decided).

But... even being so far out, the email marketing is already inundating subscribers inboxes. There's a lot we, as Read more...