Awful Subject Lines

We see so many marketing tactics that teach people to go after "the open" no matter what it takes. The problem with that is that if you're just marketing to get the email opened instead of actually thinking through the entire campaign or promotion. I get it might be enticing from time to time to test subject lines to see what happens...
The problem is if you're not looking at the big picture, you can wind up with lots of opens AND lots of complaints and/or unsubscribes.
For example, over the last week, I've personally received at least half a dozen emails that have subject lines like the following examples:
- "Your order details"
- "Order confirmation"
- "Shipping confirmation"
- "Tracking information inside"
- Etc.
And since I do much of my holiday shopping online and from different sources, I do have a number of notices that I actually DO want to find for tracking.
NOTE: Some of these were from marketers that I generally receive emails from, not just a spam account of some sort.
As such, when I get a notice like this, even if I'm "pretty sure" that it's not legitimate, I open the email. Well naturally, when someone is using a spammy tactic like that, it's clear that they are simply trying to 'trick me' into opening an email, and then somehow after they've tricked me, I'm supposed to say "Oh sure... now that they've used deceptive tactics to get me to open the email, let me see what they are really trying to sell me." Not going to happen.
What IS going to happen, however, is that I'm going to unsubscribe at the very least. More likely than not, I'm going to report that message as spam and THEN unsubscribe.
It's important to value your subscribers and not act as if they are simply cash machines and too stupid to see through the marketing tactics.
For over a decade Heather Seitz used email marketing to build successful companies and had to solve the biggest barrier to consistent profitability: deliverability. Today she is the Co-Founder and CEO of Email Delivered.
For more information on how to avoid awful subject lines and boost your open rates, visit Remember to sign up for the FREE Email Delivered Pulse newsletter for articles, tips, and recommended resources for email marketers.
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