Tag Archives | subscriber engagement

How Much Is Too Much? (Or Not Enough)…
We've talked often about email frequency and consistency...
Mail too much, and your subscribers complain, opt out, etc.
Mail too infrequently and you're losing a ton of money, people forget who you are, and retention rate drops.
Both can cause problems with engagement, and long term deliverability. For example, subscribers that get Read more...

Lessons You Can Learn From a PROPER Warm Up
More and more, we see new clients wanting to do their own thing when it comes to warming up their domains and IPs. The problem with this is that it essentially sets you up for failure from the get-go. When this happens, it incurs extra fees, extra time, and Read more...

What to Do With Unengaged Subscribers
A few weeks ago, I did a webinar for a mastermind of which I'm a member and a question that came in multiple times related to unengaged subscribers. Many of the members have different systems. Some are clients. But, the question exists across the board for everyone...

Engagement and Deliverability
We have talked about engagement on a number of occasions, but it bears another discussion as it's EXTREMELY important for marketers to start paying attention to.
First off... Engagement, as a filtering tool, is here to stay! In fact, it's going to play more and more of a role as Read more...