Tag Archives | email marketing tip
Hurricanes Harvey & Irma
We just wanted to wish all those impacted by Harvey & Irma our best. I know we have a number of clients affected by each of these storms.
It’s been an amazing thing to see how different communities have come together to help friends, neighbors and strangers through some difficult Read more...
Yahoo Scanned Emails for US Intelligence
A few weeks ago, Reuters published an article about how Yahoo was secretly scanning customer emails for U.S. intelligence.
This was done at the request of the NSA and FBI and it is unclear what information they intelligence officials were searching for.
While this is unlikely to affect our clients and Read more...
iPhone iOS 10
In a recent operating system upgrade, the iPhone has made it much easier for people to unsubscribe from your mailings.
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:
Here's the link for using it from iPhoneHacks.com:
What this means for marketers...
At first glance, it may appear that this
From Address in Your Messages
This week's tip is just a reminder to pay attention to your "from" address in your campaigns. Here are a few simple pointers and reminders.
1. Do not send using a free email service address (like xxx@gmail.com, yyy@hotmail.com). This is a big no-no and with most ISPs implementing strict DMARC Read more...
Deliverability Reminders: Engagement Affects Deliverability
We wanted to just revisit some common questions that we get asked about frequently (and it's a good refresher for seasoned marketers).
So... for the next several weeks, we're going to address a different question each week to keep the snippets short, simple and actionable for you! If you have Read more...