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Can Spam Q&A

CAN-Spam Q&A

Last week, the FTC created a blog post answering some of the common questions surrounding the CAN-Spam Law, which actually had some interesting information.

Some of the more pertinent topics include: (more…)

Email Marketing, Seed Lists, Inboxing and Open Rates

Seed Lists, Inboxing and Open Rates

This week, we're going to briefly touch on seed lists, inboxing and open rates and how to keep your open rates as high as possible.

First things first, let's talk about seed lists... (more…)

Domain Reputation

Domain Reputation

While having a good IP reputation is still important, it's not the ONLY indicator, or even the primary indicator, as to whether or not your email are going to make it to the inbox, or even get delivered at all.

Domains, along with other technologies, are playing more and more Read more...

Can-Spam Review

Can-Spam Review

We've covered this in the past, but wanted to quickly revisit it to remind you of the requirements...

1. Never use false or misleading header information.
This goes for the from address, from name, etc. In a nutshell, don't try and trick someone by masking who the message is from.

2. Don't

Volume of Mail vs. IPs

Volume of Mail vs IPs

Lately, we've had questions about IPs and volume and when to increase the number of IPs.

When we work with folks on the setup, we design the plan based on discussed volume, warm up requirements and long term growth expectations. In general, we recommend 1 IP for every 75K - Read more...

Change My IP Address If There is A Problem

Can’t I Just Change My IP Address If There’s A Problem?

Can't I just change my IP address if there's a problem with my email marketing program? That's one question we often get that relates to "IP addresses" if there are issues with delivery or inbox placement.

The solution here is not quite so simple.

While this may have been a viable