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HTML vs Plain Text
We continue to get this question regularly regarding HTML vs. Plain Text. And just the other day, I came across a great article on exactly this topic.
Hubspot recently released findings from a study done a few months back. And what they found was that plain text emails increases opens Read more...
Deliverability Rules are Changing
Each and every day, we talk with customers and new clients about what it takes to make it to the inbox.
As you know by now, this is a moving target...
However, there are a handful of things you need to know that ARE impacting your deliverability (many of which are Read more...
Domain Reputation
While having a good IP reputation is still important, it's not the ONLY indicator, or even the primary indicator, as to whether or not your email are going to make it to the inbox, or even get delivered at all.
Domains, along with other technologies, are playing more and more Read more...
How Much Is Too Much? (Or Not Enough)…
We've talked often about email frequency and consistency...
Mail too much, and your subscribers complain, opt out, etc.
Mail too infrequently and you're losing a ton of money, people forget who you are, and retention rate drops.
Both can cause problems with engagement, and long term deliverability. For example, subscribers that get Read more...
Can-Spam Review
We've covered this in the past, but wanted to quickly revisit it to remind you of the requirements...
1. Never use false or misleading header information.
This goes for the from address, from name, etc. In a nutshell, don't try and trick someone by masking who the message is from.
2. Don't
Volume of Mail vs IPs
Lately, we've had questions about IPs and volume and when to increase the number of IPs.
When we work with folks on the setup, we design the plan based on discussed volume, warm up requirements and long term growth expectations. In general, we recommend 1 IP for every 75K - Read more...
What to Do With Unengaged Subscribers
A few weeks ago, I did a webinar for a mastermind of which I'm a member and a question that came in multiple times related to unengaged subscribers. Many of the members have different systems. Some are clients. But, the question exists across the board for everyone...
Can’t I Just Change My IP Address If There’s A Problem?
Can't I just change my IP address if there's a problem with my email marketing program? That's one question we often get that relates to "IP addresses" if there are issues with delivery or inbox placement.
The solution here is not quite so simple.
While this may have been a viable