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Can Spam Act Infographic

This is the rundown of the Can-Spam law. Don’t use false or misleading header information, don’t use deceptive subject lines, identify the message as an ad, tell recipients where you are located, tell recipients how to opt out of receiving future email, honor opt-out requests promptly, and monitor what Read more...

email reputation

Why Changing Your IPs and Domain Is Not the Answer

In recent months, many of the ISPs have clamped down on their filtering.

As a result, more emails are going to the spam folders across the board. As such, we've had clients contact us requesting help with regard to inbox placement and getting out of the spam folder.

First things first,

spam folder

Canada’s Anti Spam Law (CASL)

Canada's Anti Spam Law (CASL) went into effect on July 1st. (Incidentally, this is "Canada Day"!)

This law applies to anyone that is mailing to recipients in Canada, whether or not you are based in Canada.

A few of the key "must know" items include:

* You must contain identifying information in

inbox placement, email placement, email deliverability, email inbox

5 Factors that Impact Inbox Placement

As we uncover new information when troubleshooting for clients, we like to occasionally revisit the topic of Inbox Placement and factors that may be impacting you. While this is not a comprehensive list of items that impact inbox placement, they are some of the most common and a good Read more...

email marketing, inbox, email, opens

5 Ways To Get Your Email Opened First

Email marketing is a double edged sword and its greatest benefit can also cut deeply into your bottom line.

On the one side, email is a very low cost way to reach and follow up with a large number of potential clients and customers.

Done right, email can be your most

affiliate email promotions

Improving Your Affiliate Email Promotions

This week, I want to take a quick moment to talk about "affiliate" promotions and how they impact deliverability and engagement, in particular.

First off, we need to define different "types" of affiliate promotions and what each type means.

1. Personalized endorsement
2. Industry-wide product launch
3. Straight up affiliate promotion from an

boost email campaign conversions,

7 Ways to Boost Email Campaign Conversions

What’s the biggest challenge to increasing your email campaign profitability? Conversions, right?

Email marketing remains one of the most cost effective and profitable marketing channels, however, because that opportunity is widely known, the competition for subscribers’ inbox attention can be considerable.

The good news is that much of your competition does Read more...

How Spam

How Spam Complaints Impact Your Email Reputation

Spam complaints play a big role in your email reputation, deliverability rates, and overall success of your email program.

NOTE: If you’re just warming up a new IP address, then it’s quite common to see an increase in spam complaints if you’ve been experiencing email deliverability problems with your previous Read more...

email reputation

Email Reputation: IP vs. Domain Reputation

Email reputation determines whether or not your email messages will make it to the inbox or wind up in the junk folder (or even blocked at the source).

There are two components that make up your email reputation. These include: IP reputation and domain reputation.

Both of these are important factors


Role of Email Content

Remember, a primary factor in inbox placement is CONTENT! And it's not enough to simply "mask" trigger words or get a low "spam score" in your email software when you test against spam filters.

Most of those are simply checking against databases that review keywords, not scanning the emails in Read more...