15 Tips to Improve Your Email Program in 2016 (1 of 3)

This 3 part series is designed to help you improve your email marketing program over the next 90 days. The key is to implement small changes on a regular basis to test and track each change in your program.
1. List Building
Obviously list building is a part of any email program, but more often than not, we see clients that are simply not growing their lists aggressively. With list churn and list atrophy, this is the single biggest fault in 99% of all email programs. Set an aggressive list building strategy aiming for an increase of at least 10% per month (this will help mitigate subscribers that start to phase out).
2. Segment Your List
I won’t spend too much time here because we have talked about segmenting quite a bit over the past year. Find opportunities for your subscribers to segment themselves (like surveys and smarter opt ins) as well as activity based segmenting (webinars people have signed up for, other offers they’ve signed up for, etc.)
3. Make Your Marketing Mobile Friendly
Make sure your emails are properly designed AND provide the appropriate content for mobile. For example, if someone is viewing your message on a mobile device, they are probably not likely to click through and watch a 90 minute VSL. But, they MAY be willing to watch a 9 minute video reselling a webinar, for example.
4. Indoctrinate Your New Subscribers
We all know we need to create welcome autoresponders that sell them on products or services and possibly introduce them to other products and services, but… if that’s all you’re doing, you’re leaving loads of money on the table. You’ve got a short window to separate yourself from everyone in your market. This initial relationship is what is the difference between long term evangelists and complainers! I’ve seen but a handful of people do this well, but it’s a game changer in the long AND the short run.
5. Spy on Your Competition (and others)
Watch what other people in your market - AND other industries - are doing. Look at the strategies and tactics to see how you can improve upon (or adopt to your market). When I was full time in real estate, I went through Joe Polish’s Piranha Marketing course and figured out how to apply or adapt ALL 100 ideas to my market. It was a game changer in how I handled marketing in my fixing and flipping business.
Watch out for part 2!
For over a decade Heather Seitz used email marketing to build successful companies and had to solve the biggest barrier to consistent profitability: deliverability. Today she is the Co-Founder and CEO of Email Delivered.
For more information on how to improve your email program and stay on top of the newest trends for 2016, visit http://www.emaildelivered.com/improve-your-email-program-part-1. Remember to sign up for the FREE Email Delivered Pulse newsletter for articles, tips, and recommended resources for email marketers.
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