Tag Archives | Gmail

Gmail Promotions Tab Revisited
We get questions about the "secret" for getting out of the Gmail Promotions tab and INTO the Primary tab regularly. Let's revisit briefly.
First off, Gmail is constantly changing their algorithms and watching user behavior, globally and individually to see how subscribers are interacting with different types of messages as Read more...

Gmail Filtering
The deliverability community is relatively small. There are a handful of people that we follow because they tend to have some different insight and viewpoints on deliverability and what's going on in the space.
Last week, I read an article over on the Word to the Wise blog about Gmail's Read more...

Gmail Questions…
Back in March, Gmail made some changes in their spam filtering algorithms (again!)… This was also around the same time that they began looking at whether or not incoming mail was encrypted (and added a little icon in their webmail client when the mail is properly encrypted). Read more...

New Gmail Features
Last month, Gmail rolled out a “Block” feature, which allows us to "Never see messages from this person again," says Sri Harsha Somanchi, a product manager at Google's Gmail.
There is also the option to Add to Contact list, which allows users to add you (the marketer) to their contacts.

Getting to the Gmail Inbox: Gmail Deliverability Tips
Gmail Inbox: The hot topic among email marketers and e-commerce these days!
As of May 2014, Gmail is installed on a billion Android devices and there are an estimated 350 million Gmail users worldwide. If you have a list of opt in subscribers, there is a good chance that a Read more...

GMail Tabs
Several weeks ago, we mentioned that Gmail would be rolling out a new format for the inbox: Gmail Tabs.
Well... as it's been rolling out to select users (since the end of May), there's been quite a bit of buzz about it and what it means for marketers!
While there have