Tag Archives | e-mail

Graymail: It’s Not Always “Black & White” When It Comes to Email!
Graymail is basically mail that is sent from a real sender to subscribers who have opted in at some point, but it has a lower than expected level of engagement.
First, we'll assume that you're following best practices with list acquisition and the subscribers who wind up on your list Read more...

Engagement Metrics Explained
Return Path has released their Engagement Metrics Benchmark report. While we have discussed these items before, it's worth downloading the report and giving it a quick read.
As we all know by now, engagement is critical to the success of your email program. The major ISPs (Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and Read more...

Verizon Email Closing Down
You may have heard the chatter about Verizon moving out of the email space and migrating their customers to AOL for the backend.
Here is more info on it from Verizon (why they're getting out of email and how Verizon customers are impacted):
While the change will take some time

Gmail Filtering
The deliverability community is relatively small. There are a handful of people that we follow because they tend to have some different insight and viewpoints on deliverability and what's going on in the space.
Last week, I read an article over on the Word to the Wise blog about Gmail's Read more...

Tips for Increasing Inbox Delivery
The New Year is always a good time to revisit some of the basics as we ramp our for a new year of marketing, list building and business development.
Here are some refreshers for improving your inbox delivery rates in 2017 and beyond. Read more...

December is here!
While the holiday shopping season kicked off on Black Friday (or Thanksgiving Day for many), this month is where everyone is inundated with email after email. People are opening more emails this time of year, but with the increase in volume, individual open rates often suffer a tad. Read more...