Tag Archives | email

Why Is My Email Going to Spam
Do you often ask the question "Why is my email going to spam?"
There are a number of reasons why your email could be going to the spam folder including:
- Infrastructure Issues (incorrect SPF records, modification to your server without updating, etc.)
- Sender Reputation
- Content
When we are hired to troubleshoot accounts,

GMail Tabs
Several weeks ago, we mentioned that Gmail would be rolling out a new format for the inbox: Gmail Tabs.
Well... as it's been rolling out to select users (since the end of May), there's been quite a bit of buzz about it and what it means for marketers!
While there have

Should I Use Text or HTML Email?
There is a lot of debate when it comes to whether or not HTML email is better than plain text email.
The answer depends on your particular business (and you should always test both to see how it affects your deliverability, open rate, and click through rate). Read more...

Is Your Opt-in Copy Converting?
It doesn’t matter if you’re using a landing page (aka “Squeeze Page”) or an opt-in box on the side of your website or blog, your copy is critical.
Ask any well-known, successful, copywriter, and they’ll likely tell you that the single most important part of the sales message Read more...