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Deliverability Reminders: Subject Line Tips

Deliverability Reminders: Subject Line Tips

Your subject lines are one of the primary factors that determine whether or not someone is going to open your email (along with the from name).

People often ask if there are certain words or phrases to avoid in subject lines and the short answer, as inbox providers have become Read more...

Deliverability Reminders: Content

Deliverability Reminders: Email Content

Content can be a tricky thing when it comes to email.

A decade ago, you could get away with using tools that looked for keywords in your email and simply avoid using those words. Marketers would then try and "trick" these filters by replacing words like free with F.Re.E. Read more...

Deliverability Reminders: Complaints

Deliverability Reminders: Complaints

This is another topic we have covered before, but is always a good refresher!

Complaints are one of the biggest problems people have with their email programs and can cause some of the most damage, short and long term.

There are a couple of kinds of "complaints":

Deliverability Reminders: Spam Traps

Deliverability Reminders: Spam Traps

There are 2 main types of spam traps:

1. Pristine
2. Recycled

Pristine Spam Traps are essentially email addresses ONLY visible in the source code, but hidden so that you or I would never actually see them. The only way to find those would be to use some sort of bot or Read more...

Deliverability Reminders: Authentication

Deliverability Reminders: Authentication

We're going to revisit authentication briefly today..

There are essentially 3 protocols that you need to be aware of.

1. SPF (Sender Policy Framework)


Deliverability Reminders: List Hygiene

Deliverability Reminders: List Hygiene

This is one of those areas that people really don't like!!!

We've grown accustomed to thinking that our list size is everything, so when it comes to cleaning it up (and possibly purging subscribers), it's not always a fun conversation!

However, it's one of the single biggest areas in which we Read more...

Deliverability Reminders IP Addresses

Deliverability Reminders: IP Addresses

This week, we're going to go over IP allocation...

First things first... more doesn't necessarily mean "better deliverability". ISPs have gotten more and more sophisticated over the years and see past the IP address alone. (more…)

Email Deliverability Reminders

Email Deliverability Reminders…

We talk about various metrics from time to time... But over the next several weeks, we're going to discuss methods to improve your email deliverability once again as we approach the holiday marketing cycle.

Please note: These are not "quick fixes" and apply to your overall program, long term. Read more...

What's the Deal with Gmail?

What’s the Deal with Gmail?

We get a lot of questions on Gmail and how someone can have an excellent "reputation" or a high "Sender Score" and still have issues with Gmail. (more…)