Tag Archives | email list

List Churn
List churn is a fact of life when it comes to email marketing.
In fact, email address churn rates range between 20% and 30% a year. This means that you're losing 20% - 30% of your subscribers each and every year for one reason or another (i.e. no longer checking Read more...

How to Use Multi-Part Email Sequences to Increase Conversions
Email marketers are always looking for ways to increase conversions. The key challenge is to get emails opened and to get subscribers to click through and buy. With that being the case, why not give your email campaigns more than one chance to succeed? Read more...

How to Write a Welcome Email Campaign
Is your email list just not that into you?
Are your email open rates low or declining? Are your click-through rates dropping? If so, the cold-hard truth is you’re in the same boat as most email marketers. Unless you do something differently, you risk the problem getting worse.
Since 2007, the

Email List Building Tips
Why is there so much talk about email list building?
It's simple... whether you're a solo-entrepreneur just trying to get started or a seasoned marketer, you now that your email list is your life blood.
If you don’t have an opt-in email list right now, the task of building one may seem Read more...

5 Reasons Not to Buy An Email List
It can be tempting to purchase a list of 10,000, 100,000, or even 1,000,000 email addresses.
It's like an instant business in a box, right?
Not so fast...
In fact, buying an email list is generally not a good idea for a number of reasons. There can be some serious consequences that Read more...