Tag Archives | email tip

Verizon Email Closing Down
You may have heard the chatter about Verizon moving out of the email space and migrating their customers to AOL for the backend.
Here is more info on it from Verizon (why they're getting out of email and how Verizon customers are impacted):
While the change will take some time

Yahoo Scanned Emails for US Intelligence
A few weeks ago, Reuters published an article about how Yahoo was secretly scanning customer emails for U.S. intelligence.
This was done at the request of the NSA and FBI and it is unclear what information they intelligence officials were searching for.
While this is unlikely to affect our clients and Read more...

Email Tips-Part 2
Since the holidays are coming up and everyone is busy, we've decided to dedicate the next several weeks to some quick tips that you can implement into your email program quickly.
This week's tip has to do with Image to Text Ratio...
A common question that comes up with clients is Read more...