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ip address

What Is An IP Address?

Much like every house in a neighborhood has a number, every computer connected to the Internet has an IP (Internet Protocol) address.

When a computer initiates a connection to another computer, that connection is known to “originate from this IP address,” and the system on the other end may choose Read more...

list building strategies

3 List Building Strategies You Should Avoid at All Costs

There is no substitute to properly building your list, but there are lots of list building strategies. This translates into higher deliverability, which ultimately means MORE MONEY in your pocket and a bigger bottom line.

Unfortunately, in efforts to build a list quickly, many business owners and marketers will often Read more...

email marketing metrics

Email Marketing Metrics

When it comes to evaluating the effectiveness of an email campaign, there are 3 key metrics to look at:

  1. Deliverability
  2. Open Rate
  3. Click-Through Rate

Though there are other metrics we can look at, by getting started with these, you’ll be able to start judging the effectiveness of your campaigns quickly.

Email Marketing

url block can affect your email deliverability

URL Blocks Can Affect Your Email Deliverability

In this day and age, it seems like there’s a new product launch or promotion going every day. Certainly, these product launches can generate a significant, quick, income for both the product owner as well as the affiliate marketer.

However, there is a major issue with these product launches that Read more...

what to do if your email gets blocked

What to Do If Your Email Gets Blocked

Depending on the reason WHY your email is being blocked, there are several things you can do to resolve the issue.

These include:

  • A URL in the email message is on a blacklist;
  • The message has been blocked for content-related issues; and
  • The IP address is blocked.

(For more information on

email blocked

Why Is My Email Blocked?

Why is my email blocked? This is an area where a lot of folks are really confused, and it's through no fault of their own!

There are three types of blocks; three reasons that your emails might not be getting through to your prospects.

  • IP address related issues;


double optin vs. single optin

Double Optin vs. Single Optin

Let's talk about what an "opt in" itself actually is.

An "opt in" is nothing more than a prospect raising his or her hand virtually and saying that he or she has some level of interest in the product or service that you have or, at the very least, in Read more...

email unsubscribe

Email Unsubscribe Do’s and Don’ts

Just recently, I was purging all of my “unwanted” email subscriptions. We’re talking hundreds of mailing lists that I was no longer interested in or just plain never wanted in the first place.

It was actually quite an enlightening experience

email block

Email Block Notifications

IMPORTANT: Even if you're using a 3rd party service for email marketing, email blocks are still affecting your business.

If you're using the self-hosted email marketing solution, then it's important to understand email blocks and, (more…)