Tag Archives | html email

HTML vs Plain Text
We continue to get this question regularly regarding HTML vs. Plain Text. And just the other day, I came across a great article on exactly this topic.
Hubspot recently released findings from a study done a few months back. And what they found was that plain text emails increases opens Read more...

HTML Elements to Test
Often times clients will go through the "Troubleshooting Inbox Placement" steps that we provide, only to get stuck on the HTML factors.
If you think about how web pages display in different browsers and on different devices, it's no wonder that it can get a bit overwhelming when Read more...

HTML vs Text: Which is Best for Email?
HTML vs text, which is best?
If you ask whether HTML emails are better than text-only emails, the answer depends on who you ask.
To listen to the HTML advocates, text is boring and only a Neanderthals would choose to send such antiquated emails.