Tag Archives | email tips

December is here!
While the holiday shopping season kicked off on Black Friday (or Thanksgiving Day for many), this month is where everyone is inundated with email after email. People are opening more emails this time of year, but with the increase in volume, individual open rates often suffer a tad. Read more...

Marketing Lessons from the 2016 Presidential Election Cycle
It's Over! The 2016 election is finally over...
No matter what side of the fence you were on, we can probably all agree that we're glad it's over! It was a long road...
There are LOTS of marketing lessons to take from the campaign (both sides):
1. Target the right audience.
Each side

Unsubscribe No – No’s!
A few weekends ago, several of us were at an event. As often happens, people were coming up to our booth sharing horror stories, personal situations, and "sneaky tactics" that they are excited about sharing! There were a few good ones that we'll share over the coming weeks!
One that

Top 5 Promotion Topics for the next 30 Days!
The holidays are here and it's time to take advantage of the season. There are lots of great "reasons why" you're giving discounts, offering incentives, etc.
Here are 5 Promotions You Should Consider Running:
1. "Trunk or Treat"!
Open the treasure chest to some of your best performing products
2. "Election Day"
Stay out

iPhone iOS 10
In a recent operating system upgrade, the iPhone has made it much easier for people to unsubscribe from your mailings.
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:
Here's the link for using it from iPhoneHacks.com:
What this means for marketers...
At first glance, it may appear that this

Content is Still King
Content is still king.
Content is still the single most important factor when it comes to get your mail delivered.
If your subscribers don't like your content, they'll unsubscribe or, worse, report your message as spam.
If the ISPs don't like you're content, the message will be sent to the junk folder Read more...

Reputation Is A Moving Target
The reputation game continues to get more complex as ISPs get more and more sophisticated.
It used to be as simple as not getting complaints and keeping your email list clean. But now, ISPs are putting together algorithms that look at domains, IPs, content, links, and more... So it's essentially Read more...

From Address in Your Messages
This week's tip is just a reminder to pay attention to your "from" address in your campaigns. Here are a few simple pointers and reminders.
1. Do not send using a free email service address (like xxx@gmail.com, yyy@hotmail.com). This is a big no-no and with most ISPs implementing strict DMARC Read more...