Tag Archives | email opens

Thanksgiving Email Subject Lines: Winners & Losers
I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is just a week away! Where did 2015 go?
As we get into full holiday swing, email boxes are starting to get more and more messages and people are in the 'buying' spirit.
Much of what's purchased now is in the form of gifts for Read more...

Improving Open Rates and Click Through Rates
Generally, the first time we speak to someone about their current email program, they express concern about their open rates and/or click through rates, so this week, we wanted to share with you the process we go through when we first consult someone on their email program. Read more...

Click-Through Rates
We all know (and pay careful attention to) open rates...
Don't get me wrong, open rates are certainly an indicator of several factors... and useful for looking at engagement levels, segmenting, re-engagement campaigns, and more.
However, most folks stop there. As a result, marketers are missing a big part of the Read more...

5 Ways To Get Your Email Opened First
Email marketing is a double edged sword and its greatest benefit can also cut deeply into your bottom line.
On the one side, email is a very low cost way to reach and follow up with a large number of potential clients and customers.
Done right, email can be your most