Tag Archives | email content

Deliverability Reminders: Email Content
Content can be a tricky thing when it comes to email.
A decade ago, you could get away with using tools that looked for keywords in your email and simply avoid using those words. Marketers would then try and "trick" these filters by replacing words like free with F.Re.E. Read more...

Email Deliverability Reminders…
We talk about various metrics from time to time... But over the next several weeks, we're going to discuss methods to improve your email deliverability once again as we approach the holiday marketing cycle.
Please note: These are not "quick fixes" and apply to your overall program, long term. Read more...

Content is Still King
Content is still king.
Content is still the single most important factor when it comes to get your mail delivered.
If your subscribers don't like your content, they'll unsubscribe or, worse, report your message as spam.
If the ISPs don't like you're content, the message will be sent to the junk folder Read more...